Monday, August 23, 2010

First Official Day at CSB

Well, today is the first full day at college for me. Move-in day was exhausting and sweaty, to say the least. Glad to be up here though and get back to a routine.

Last week was my big EMT week. It was the end of class and my two clinicals.

In my first clinical, we had a guy that got hit by a bomb in Iraq, and that's about all I can say due to HIPAA. We also had a little boy get hit in the face with a brick, and a lady with a hand-size abscess on her butt. Good times with the last one. It was very interesting to see how everything was functioning, as far as whose job was what in the ER.

My ambulance ride-along was 6:30a to 6:30p on Thursday. It was a BLAST. I got to administer oxygen, get a blood glucose reading, administer nitroglycerin, and I took about 10 blood pressures. I learned a lot, such as having 3 pressure points when in the ambulance so you don't fall over, and that you have to be fully confident. We used the stair chair on one patient which was cool. We had one psych patient, one possible stroke, one blown back, two possible chest pains, one respiratory distress, and one transport. Even though we had 7 calls, we had a period of about 2 1/2 hours of downtime, where we went to a fire station base and watched TV and didn't do anything. We did scare a fireman which was pretty funny. Overall not very many really exciting patients, but I got to practice a lot of skills.

Wednesday was the official end of our EMT class. We took our final National skills test, and for the random skill I got Wounds, Bleeding, and Shock, which was really nice because it is the easiest of the choices that were possible. It went pretty well, because I passed. Taking the National written test on October 7th over long weekend.

The rest of today is going to be spent organizing, doing some Pep Band stuff, and having a pre-med club meeting.

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