I doubt anyone will ever read this thing. But if you do, thanks for reading! Also, these are my thoughts and things that happened to me today, feel free to comment or whatever.
Last night I had the best dream ever. For most of the dream, I was on one of the group dates that Jake, the Bachelor currently, was holding except I wasn't one of the people pursuing him. I was there as a judge of character of the girls and one of Jake's best friends, even though he is 12 years older than me. We were at some sort of book auction (not sure if that is the best place to hold a date) and Jake and I were helping the people get organized. It was a ton of fun because we kept "accidentally" colliding with each other and I gave him grief about carrying so much to show off to the girls. It was pretty fun to hang out with him, and I'm sure it would be in real life too. Those girls on the Bachelor are very lucky. I can't believe that Rozlyn girl cheated on him while at the house. What an idiot, how can you cheat on the perfect man?
Anyway, on to other things. The second day of classes was a little stressful but it was helped by Peanut M&Ms. Molecular Genetics lab will be very interesting but hard, and same with the class. I think that Psych Stats and Bio 222 will be manageable as long as I keep up with them and stick to my reading/homework strategy. Theology may be a little challenging, I'm not very good at talking to a big group of people about my thoughts and issues (hence the blog) so I'm not sure how that will turn out.
Finally, I am very excited about this weekend. My sister and I are planning on going to George Clooney's "Up In the Air" with "free" movie tickets we got from donating. I have an Info Desk shift at the hospital which is always entertaining. You never quite know who will walk through the doors of a public institution.
As for the rest of the week, I have another Bio lab coming up which shouldn't be too challenging, and normal classes. My goal is to keep on top of things and not become lazy! Wish me luck!
In all honesty,
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